Spiritual Healing Course
This course will explain the basics of spiritual healing and provide hands-on opportunities so that you may develop yourself as a channel for healing. You will have the opportunity to do healing in the church during the Sunday Services. This gift of healing can be shared with family and friends.
Healing is regarded as a co-operative endeavour. The healer is a facilitator in the healing process. They will direct the energies through themselves with the guidance of Spirit. The healer builds an understanding and trust with their Spirit guide, and from this there is a healing of the diseased. Healing happens at many levels, physical, spiritual, emotional are a few. The one who being healed has personal responsibility. The healing will not be effective unless they are willing to face the fear or concern that is causing the disease. Disease is the result of not living harmoniously in this physical plane. Working in this three fold combination, healing is a result of the efforts of all, not just one.
Prayer for Spiritual Healing
I ask the great Unseen Healing Force
To remove all obstructions from my mind and body
And to restore me to perfect health.
I ask this in all sincerity and honesty
And I will do my part.
I ask this great Unseen Healing Force
To help both present and absent ones
Who are in need of help
And to restore them to perfect health.
I put my trust in the love and Power of God.
The Prayer for Spiritual Heaing Explained
I ask the great Unseen Healing Force
This is a request, a supplication, a psychic demand, all in one, and the one who asks whether they be the patient or the healing practitioner, must recognize how vital is this first step in the direction of health. Health, physical, mental and spiritual, is but the proper adjustment of the body, soul, spirit. When this adjustment is disturbed, even in a small degree, then ill health is the result. When ill health is present, the first and main search must be for the cause of the disease, which may be deeply hidden and unsuspected. The healing practitioner, student or patient must strive to uncover this hidden cause. Call upon the Great Unseen Healing Force in Prayer, and with true honesty, that peace and a healing balance may be re-established.
To remove all obstructions from my mind and body
How very difficult it may be for the unenlightened to discover all the obstructions in one’s mind and body. The petty annoyances common to mankind’s every-day life, if allowed to, may, over a period of time, result in a complex, very destructive of peace and well being, the effects apparently, being far removed from the real cause. How many adults are haunted by a fear of the unknown because the parent or guardian besought obedience through recourse to the Bogey-Man idea. How many adults live in fear of malignant disease, because of the uninformed opinions which they have collected during their childhood days! Search carefully! What are your obstructions, Mental, Spiritual, Physical? Do not suppress your fears. Do not suppress your wrongful habits but bring them to the surface, into the light of true spiritual Consciousness. Then carefully weed them from the garden of your understanding. They are real weeds and parasitic vines, strangling the beautiful flower of health and well-being.
Superstition, lying, jealously, hatred and envy, FEAR, fear of death, of the unknown, of disease, mental and physical, all are the unlovely weeds of life. Carefully eliminate them, one by one, always remembering that “Weeds are best eliminated by the cultivation of the Flowers.” Be honest and diligent in your efforts, and gradually the cultivation of the beautiful will eliminate all that is undesirable in your life. Patience and perseverance are necessary. You must do your part. Infinite Spirit will aid you.
And to restore me to perfect health
This line again places one in the attitude of the supplicant. The Practitioner, the student or the ailing person must recognize what true supplication really is. True supplication does not mean groveling. One must not allow himself to be reduced to the level of the beggar, but must realize the dignity of true enlightenment in which he asks Infinite Intelligence, the Great Co-operative Power, to restore. This word implies that once the human family possessed Perfect Health. Many people are born with inherited tendencies toward disease, but that which was once perfect may become so again. Through the mazes of doubt, seek the true light of Infinite Intelligence. As the expression of God in this life, man must seek to claim his heritage. You are asking God to restore your heritage, but you must be worthy. You must do your part. The way to become worthy in the Way of Spiritual Enlightenment.
I ask this in all sincerity and honesty
The key words in this line are, Ask, Sincerity and Honesty. Again we must turn back to the principle of Asking , not begging. Man is not a beggar, spiritually. He is potentially, the most spiritually wealthy expression of Life on this planet; but he, himself, must realize the Spiritual, the Mental, the Physical wealth within himself. he must be utterly sincere and honest. This is a most difficult process when one is confused by the artificial type of life too commonly lived and which is exterior impression without any inner understanding. To be sincere and honest, one must be consistent in prayer and honest enough to uncover and face all the wretched , unlovely habits and sincere enough to be consistent in the desire to be rid of them. Do not be superficial nor hurried in your search. Be thorough. You have all eternity in which to work. As you progress with more certainty and assurance, each day will become a more blessed realization of the beauty and worth of living a true life.
And I will do my part
Here the words “I Will Do,” are important. Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” and this is the object of the True Healing Practitioner, the earnest student, the sincere patient, the EGO personality which you are is but one manifestation of the Whole, “I” which is Infinite Intelligence. When one realizes this, a great new potentiality is uncovered for your unfoldment. You have promised to “Do Your Part” and in the doing you become thrillingly conscious of co-operation with Infinitude. To know that one is not away from, but is within and a part of Infinitude produces an effect of calmness and peace, comparable to no other sensation. The At-Oneness with the Infinite “I” is the real core of all physical, mental and spiritual progress. Many people achieve this readily because of right spiritual attunement. Others, because of variable sensitivity, must strive long and assiduously to attain and to hold the right spiritual attunement. When once fully achieved, its joy and harmony are realized constantly, without effort or strain.
I ask this great Unseen Healing Force
This, the first line of the second portion of the Healing Prayer, is a repetition and its greatest value is achieved in repeating it over and over, that one may become more closely drawn in attunement with the Ideal.
To help both present and absent ones
This line causes one to realize that absence of loved ones is real only to the physical senses. Infinite Intelligence is Omnipresent, and neither time nor space can intervene nor interfere. One may, through spiritual contact, be as fully conscious of the friend in another city as one may be of the friend close at hand. The key word in this line is help. To help another, to aid another, whether present, or at a distance, places the healing practitioner or the student in the position of asking that greater power may vibrate through his consciousness for the unselfish purpose of helping others, or serving others in need. This is a beautiful demonstration of strong, positive brotherly love sent out to the Infinite, for others for their relief from all degrees of disease, discomfort and unhappiness.
Who are in need of help
This is in accord with atruism and universality. It recognizes the pains and sufferings in the world of which one may not be conscious, but for the relief of which he wishes to offer his mite of sympathy and prayerful helpfulness. Response to Prayer is living proof of the Omniscience of Infinite Intelligence and evidence of lack of barriers to intervene. Thus we become Universal in our prayer to help the body, mind and soul of mankind. The Healing Practitioner or student must learn, and must practice the great lesson of unselfish service. Only by this understanding can one be free from the reproach of self-seeking, and make spiritual growth and progress.
And to restore them to perfect health.
Here the emphasis is placed on Them. The Healing Practitioner or student is giving himself in Service, and is praying in clear, definite understanding to Infinite Intelligence to help them, the brothers and sisters of human-kind. To properly appreciate this, one must clear the consciousness of self. The garden of the Soul must be cleared of the weeds of self-seeking, so that the clear, pure light of Spiritual Realization shining through, shall bring about the spiritual health growth required by them. They, who are the object of our prayer.
I put my trust
The emphatic word in this line is Trust. Trust is that supreme confidence in the power of Spirit to heal which knows neither doubt nor fear. Infinite Intelligence (Spirit) is the motivating power, expressed always through Natural Law. One must be conscious that the desired effect of our prayer is not a miracle, but is the result of the action of Natural Law. A realization of the exact functioning of the One Law in the universe must be attained. The patient must be brought into the great spiritual garden of perfect health. Consciousness of disease must be eliminated, so the perfect health, which is the complete expression of Natural Law shall be realized. The Power of the Law is Infinite Intelligence. Place your Trust in the pure source of all Power.
In the love and Power of God
Love, Power, God, are the three great words of this line. Jesus said, “Perfect love casteth out fear.” The Healing Practitioner, student, patient must cast out fear, that they may realize perfect harmony. It has been said that a newborn babe has only two natural fears: fear of loud noises and fear of falling. These are perfectly natural fears. The auditory nerves are shocked by discord. We must learn that harmony is the chord of the universe. Fear of falling is a natural instinctive knowledge of lack of balance. Balance is the secondary note in harmony. Without balance there can be no harmony. Therefore all unnatural fears which have accumulated in the lives of men must be cast out. To achieve perfect harmony in life, one must seek to understand and to finally appreciate Natural Law. Honesty must compel one to recognize the paralyzing effect of all fears and to cast them out. Power is the great realization of the truly unfolded, unbiased soul. To be truly conscious of power is to be conscious of the one great Force of the universe. The minor notes in the universe all blend together to make the one great chord of harmony. God is the directive Intelligence behind all expression. Love, Power, God, three mighty notes in the rising scale of the song of truly healthful, spiritual living. Say them over and over again and rise to new heights of truly balanced spiritual understanding.