We invite you to explore the links below of organizations related to Spiritualism as well as websites of mediums who serve our Sunday Services, as well as conduct workshops and demonstrations of mediumship for our Church.
The Spiritualist Church of Canada
Book- History of the Spiritualist Church of Canada
Directory of Spiritualist Churches in Canada
Survival Research Institute of Canada (SRIC)
Rhys Wynn Davies – Psychic Medium
Elizabeth Titterton – Spiritual Medium
Phil Dykes & Kerry McCleod – The Spirit & Soul Foundation
Rev. Marilyn Mazzotta – Readings by Marilyn
Andrew Lindsay – Spiritual Medium
Rev. Sheila Black – Be One With Spirit
The Arthur Conan Doyle Centre located in Edinburgh’s West End is named after Scottish Spiritualist Pioneer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and shares its space with the Edinburgh Association of Spiritualists. https://www.arthurconandoylecentre.com/
The Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU) is a religious charity that supports Spiritualist Churches across the United Kingdom, including the training of spiritualist healers, spiritualist mediums, public speakers and teachers. https://www.snu.org.uk
The Arthur Findlay College is “The World’s Foremost College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences.” https://www.arthurfindlaycollege.org
Silver Birch provided profound spiritual teachings channeled by Spiritualist Pioneer Maurice Barbanell. All of Silver Birch’s teaching are now located at the Spiritual Truth Foundation https://www.spiritualtruthfoundation.org/barbanell-silver-birch